What an amazing year we have had in 1st and 2nd class! I am so proud of how much hard work the boys have put in over the past few months. We had a lot of visitors this term.
Giulia came in to teach us about business in the local area, Fr. Joe and Sr. Philomena were helping 2nd class prepare for their Communion, and Graham taught us loads about nature and gardening. We took part in a lot of STEM challenges this term: making tinfoil boats to save the teddy bears, lollipop bridges to help Terence the Tiger cross between tables, and trying to cut the longest paper plate!
We’ve had lots of great trips this term. We went to see Puss in Boots in the cinema, we made posters to go and support our AMAZING school football team, we played rounders in Shandon Park, and we met an author in the Library.
I want to congratulate all the boys on all of their achievements and milestones this year. They have done themselves proud. I will miss each and every one of them. I hope you all have the great Summer that you’ve earned and deserve.
Mr. O’Keeffe