The first few weeks of school have been filled with exciting activities, creativity, andachievements. Our students have been actively participating in a wide range of educationaland physical activities. Here’s a look at what they’ve been up to!...
5th Class
Apr-Jun in 5th Class
The pupils in Fifth Class were very busy over the past few months. They worked hard in classand took part in many exciting activities. The boys also visited some famous attractions inthe city centre. In class, we learned about many interesting...
Jan-Feb in 5th Class
Since Christmas school has been both busy and exciting for the boys in Fifth Class. The classundertook a number of interesting school trips throughout January and February. These included avisit to the National Museum of Ireland at Collins’...
Nov-Dec in 5th Class
The last few weeks of term have been very busy for the pupils in Fifth Class. As well as our usualactivities in class, we have been preparing for Christmas in earnest. The pupils concluded their lessons at the Awesome Walls climbing experience at...
Sept-Oct in 5th Class
The pupils in Fifth Class had a very exciting and busy start to Term 1.The boys began the year by learning about Autumn and how trees grow nutsthis time of year, which can be planted in time for germination next Spring.Together we planted a...
Apr-Jun in 5th and 6th Class
It has been an amazing, busy and emotional time for the Senior Classes this June. Many of the boys were involved in the incredible victories for the school football team. Myself and their peers were so proud of the players. The boys went...
Free schoolbooks for all primary school pupils
From September 2023, schoolbooks, workbooks and copybooks for children in recognised primary schools, including special schools, will be provided to every child free by their school. There is no charge to parents/guardians for this, as schools...
Jan-Mar in 5th and 6th Class
It has been another productive and fun-filled term for the senior boys, in 5th and 6th Class. The boys took part in many extracurricular activities such as basketball, athletics, chess competitions and more. Our Senior Football Team has also been...
Nov/Dec in 5th and 6th Class
The run up to Christmas has been very busy in the senior end of the school. Between World Cup tournaments in Inspire, archery lessons, visits from Fr. Joe, Reading Buddies with the infant classes, yoga and gardening, 5th and 6th class have been...
Sept/Oct in 5th and 6th Class
It has been a wonderful and busy half term in the senior end of the school. In September, the boys learned all about Michael Collins in History as well as letter writing in English. We partook in life drawing in Art, sketching and colouring guitars...