The pupils in Fifth Class had a very exciting and busy start to Term 1.
The boys began the year by learning about Autumn and how trees grow nuts
this time of year, which can be planted in time for germination next Spring.
Together we planted a horse-chestnut in class and are excited to see if it will
sprout a young tree in the new year.
As well as this exciting nature activity, the class spent time engaged in project
work on different countries from around the world including the Philippines,
Australia, France and the United States of America.
In history, the class learned about fossils and the kind of work carried out by an
archaeologist. We learned about the important role an archaeologist plays in
the construction of any new building or road and how their work differs from a
palaeontologist who works on retrieving dinosaur bones.
In Fifth Class we love art and we have completed a lot of Halloween art so far
in advance of the festivities at the end of October. These include spooky
castles and spider web paintings.
On the first Friday of October the class, together with rest of the senior classes
in the school, attended a beginning of year mass in our local church. The mass
was an opportunity for the boys to ask God for assistance as they prepare to
celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation in the final term.
The class are also doing a lot of different sports activities. These include GAA
coaching each Tuesday and cricket and athletics training on each Thursday.
Finally, a special word of thanks to Ms. Roche who worked with the pupils in
Fifth Class while Mr. Moore was absent.