4th Class

Apr-Jun in 3rd and 4th Class

We’ve had a very busy and indeed active last term in 3rd and 4th class. As well as continuing our GAA with coach Tom at St. Finbarr’s, we’ve had coach Lauren from Healthy Kidz teach us Olympic handball and futsal amongst other things. Furthermore,...

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Sept-Oct in 3rd and 4th Class

It’s been a very active term in 3rd and 4th Class. We’ve had athletics with coach Jeanette from Runner Beans, cricket with coach Fintan from Cricket Ireland and GAA with coach Thomas from Naomh Fionnbarra. We also have Hannah from SCP doing life...

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Apr-Jun in 4th Class

What a term we’ve had. It’s been busy and fun filled. We’ve had a couple of excursions as well as visitors to the class. We’ve done plenty of gardening with Graham, our school gardener. We had a tour of Lansdowne Road stadium thanks to Dublin City...

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Jan-Mar in 4th Class

We’ve had a busy and fun filled term two in 2023! As well as working hard on our English and Maths, We’ve had plenty of visitors and events. We all thoroughly enjoyed the recent céilí, Lá Glás and Tráth na gCeist. In addition we’ve had lessons in...

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Nov/Dec in 4th Class

What a busy term we’ve had! Since the mid-term break, we’ve continued doing our GAA iN Naomh Fionbarra. We also had rugby and cricket coaches coming into school. In addition, we had a ‘CTK World Cup’ football blitz between 3rd 4th, 5th and 6th...

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4th Class Norman Castles

4th Class Norman Castles

Just before the Easter break, the boys in Fourth Class worked hard to construct Norman Castles from recycled materials and paint. We had been learning about the history of the Normans in Europe and Ireland. To personalize the castles, everyone made...

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Term 2 Activities in 4th Class

Term 2 Activities in 4th Class

Fourth Class has had an eventful term. The boys have researched and produced not two projects, about The Celts and Famous People. While learning about the history of art, the boys created colourful prints in the style of Andy Warhol, and we've been...

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