It has been a wonderful and busy half term in the senior end of the school. In September, the boys learned all about Michael Collins in History as well as letter writing in English. We partook in life drawing in Art, sketching and colouring guitars inspired by Picasso. The boys have been engaging with a number of sports this term such as rugby, cricket and GAA.
Many of our lessons have been collaborative with both classes working together. The boys are mixing well and working well as a larger group. The boys worked together in maths groups, spooky musical composition, volcanic reporters, Michael Collins research projects among others.
More recently, the boys have been hard at work putting together a special, scary performance for our Hallowe’en assembly. The boys have been practising and perfecting a dance piece based on the song ‘Thriller’ by Michael Jackson. They cannot wait to show off their zombie impersonations and smooth dance moves!
Shortly before the midterm break, both classes paid a visit to Fighting Words, the story writing workshop by Roddy Doyle. The boys worked collaboratively to create a story about an unfortunate young boy from the early 20th Century, called. David Dude. The boys loved the experience and the walk to and from the venue.
On our final day before the midterm break, 4th, 5th and 6th Classes took part in a football tournament. The teams were mixed across all classes and abilities and great fun was had by all! The boys look forward to similar tournaments again in the future.
As part of our Hallowe’en party, 5th and 6th Classes held a group quiz with topics on animals, the Premier League, gaming and more, watched a scary movie, competed in the football tournament, voted in a Costume Competition and performed the ‘Thriller Dance’ at the assembly. It was a memorable day for everyone.