1st/2nd class have had a wonderful term 2 in school.
We learned all about weather and the Arctic in January and explored all about space in February. We also did some fabulous Art making various crafts for Valentine’s Day and put our culinary skills to the test making pancakes for Pancake Tuesday.
We were busy in March with Mother’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day and really enjoyed learning Ireland’s Call in music. The boys have worked particularly hard the past two weeks during Seachtain na Gaeilge, practicing using their cúpla focail throughout the day. We had great fun learning an Dreoilín and the Siege of Ennis for our Céilí.
During this term our class was also selected to take part in a program called ‘Blast’. This was a program to inspire and encourage creativity through imagination and movement. The boys really enjoyed every Thursday with Simona.
I would like to wish the boys and their families a happy and healthy Easter. I look forward to seeing them back in school on 8th April.