We have had a wonderfully busy term in 1st and 2nd class. The boys worked very hard during Seachtain na Gaeilge, practicing using their cúpla focail throughout the day. We had great fun learning An Dreoilín and The Walls of Limerick for our Céilí and we even watched SpongeBob as Gaeilge. Now that spring is here, we will be using all of our new outdoor spaces more and we will continue our gardening with Graham.
There were lots of special occasions this term. We celebrated Seachtain na Gaeilge, St Patrick’s Day, Pancake Tuesday, and 2nd class made their 1st Confession, which got us a VIP tour of the church from Fr. Joe.
As well as trips to the church, we’ve also had trips to the library for drama and dance workshops and Giulia will be visiting us for a couple of weeks to do some Geography workshops. The boys also worked with Jennifer on their Basketball skills, and with Jeanette, running laps of the school!
I’m very proud of all the hard work the boys have done this term and I wish them all a very Happy Easter!